
Let’s Get Motivated

Let’s get motivated at work

Wake up everyday and say today is going to be a good day!

We’ve pulled together some more super helpful tips on how to remain positive; productive and happy in the office until spring brings us a natural ‘spring’!


Forget the usual New Year resolutions, out with the old and all that jazz.  You can restart your year at any time during January so don’t panic if you’ve already blown it so to speak!  We suggest you simplify your goals and just focus on one or two key challenges to keep you motivated at work.


Use your lunch time or break during the day, when it is light, to move your body! 

Regular exercise before, after or during work, especially outdoors is proven to alleviate stress; improve your focus and help you get a deeper, more restful sleep.


Although we don’t really advocate the New Years resolution as such.  We do think it is a good idea to write down your goals for the year.  Take a step back and spend some time looking at the bigger picture.  Not just work goals, but what we like to call happiness goals here in the Noble office.  It is very much about taking your ideas out of your head and putting them onto paper.  Making them tangible by creating a few lists maybe one for home; health and one for work.  With the power of social media, it is really possible to share your goals with others.  Let your friends motivate you further and hold you to account.


Big projects and deadlines often can stop us from being productive while we procrastinate on the bigger picture, we forget to deliver the daily tasks.  While the dark nights are longer, why not stay in your warm office a little later and finish your day with a list of your tasks for the next day.  Not only will you feel less stressed and more organised, you will make a great impression for your boss and it may help your team to follow suit and stay on track too.


One way to avoid those nasty bugs over winter, especially if you work in an air-conditioned office or travel to work huddled together on a bus or train, is to eat delicious, healthy food.  We all know you are what you eat and if you have over indulged over the holiday period then getting the right vitamins and minerals into your body can only be a good thing!


I defy anyone who says they do not like to go on holiday!  If you tend to lose steam during the winter months, this could be the time to plan your next trip.  Just the process of planning an exciting getaway with loved ones can spike your mood and keep you motivated at work!

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