

Looking for your new role?

Within the Logistics and Supply Chain industries, we recruit the best candidates across the North West. We recruit for both transport forwarding businesses and in-house supply chain, logistics, production and stock control departments. All candidates must have experience whether that be in import or export or within MRP, ERP or SA

In any industry, goods need to be procured and stored, packaged and dispatched. Every retail chain is stocked by a supply chain. Therefore there is a constant demand for employees within this sector, and graduates in this area can benefit from a wide choice of career opportunities.

Your Job In A Wearhouse Is Waiting

Working Hard For Hard Working People

I really appricated the time and effort PCL Recruitment took to find me the best role that suited me.
Sarah Harding
Floor Worker

If you decide to choose a job in this sector, you can enjoy these as some of the benefits:

  • Fast sector growth – this is an industry which has more job vacancies than ever, and it continues to grow. Unlike careers in subjects such as medicine, science or law, this type of job is usually overlooked by others searching for a step on the ladder to a career.
  • Variety in day to day work – so many organisations, companies and full industries are reliant on supply chains, you can look forward to a variety of day to day duties, in offices, factories, warehouses and likely overseas travel as well.
  • Although we mentioned above that if you have a degree related to this area of expertise, you may be able to start in a position of management, there are no special qualifications necessary to get into a career in logistics. Employers tend to look for a particular mindset and personality combined with some specific skills. You may also be asked to sit some tests in basic maths or logic but these leave the opportunity for you to demonstrate skills you may have.
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